Aera's Progress and Vision: Sustainable Building Innovation and Project Updates

Hello Aera Community,
The summer of 2024 has been a veryexciting time for Aera. While the preceding 6 months were all about research,networking and the formation of our team; this summer has been all aboutproduct development. Using learnings from industry peers and partners wecompleted engineering on V1 of our sustainable building system. Thanks to ourpartners at the Wonderful People Micro Farm, we were able to iterate on ourfirst system design by constructing a small cabin on their property. Thispathway project provided us a valuable opportunity to put our design ideas intopractice, testing the performance, constructability, cost effectiveness andsustainability of our system.
We learned a lot from this process,and we will be releasing a series of videos documenting the journey. In the endwe were proud to be able to go from a clean sheet design to delivering amodular, high performance building envelope using all natural materials in amatter of months. We set up a temporary “assembly facility” onsite, allowing usto test out panel prefabrication along with means and methods related tosetting panels, air sealing, waterproofing, interior finishing etc.… There isno better way to learn than by doing, and this prototype has given us the datato make big steps forward with the next version of our system.
We arenow ready to begin delivering homes to clients and are actively seekingprojects. We will eventually limit our offering to standardized designs. However,we are currently offering early adopters the opportunity to work with us on acustom Aera Home. If you or someone you know is interested in a customdesigned, sustainable, high-performance home in the Greater Nashville Areaplease reach out to JKoziol@Aeraliving.comfor a free design and pricing consultation.
As ourproduct development process continues, we are now turning our attention toproject delivery and process. We are very excited to announce Taylor LaForge asour Senior Project Manager. Taylor has a wealth of experience both in design aswell as in construction project management and will be instrumental in buildingout our project delivery capabilities. Taylor is already hard at work creatinga framework for our turnkey project delivery process. In the coming months wewill announce our first major community development project. Taylor has beenworking with us behind the scenes to lay the groundwork for this communitywhich will demonstrate our approach to sustainable community development.
Thankyou all for your ongoing support of Aera. We will continue to provide updatesthrough these newsletters as well as through our social media channels. Pleasefeel free to reach out and engage with us. We greatly appreciate the support ofthe sustainable building community and the interest all of you have in ourmission to create more sustainable human habitats.
Warm Regards,
Justin Koziol
CEO Aera Systems LLC
Creating a new era of modern living
Updates, news, and inspiration.